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Comprehensive analysis of gene expression and differentiation mechanism in each neuron using single-cell transcriptome

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A single-cell transcriptional atlas of the Ciona embryos in the mid-tailbud stage 


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Ciona intestinalis has the ancestal placode and neural crest.

We use a combination of lineage tracing, gene
disruption, and single-cell RNA-sequencing assays to explore the
properties of the lateral plate ectoderm of Ciona intestinalis,

neural crest and cranial placode shared evolutionary origin

(Horie et al., Nature (2018))


TH>Kaede  Ptf1a>CFP

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Using Whole-embryo single-cell RNA sequencing
(RNA-seq) assays, we identified Ptf1a as the key determinant of dopamine neurons.
 Next, we tried single-cell analysis for Ptf1a misexpression embryos, we find Meis, the cofactor of Ptf1a in dopamine neurons.

Coexpression of both Ptf1a and Meis caused the wholesale transformation of the entire CNS into dopamine cells

(Horie et al.,  Genes & Development (2018))

   The cell lineage of the ascidian embryos, from the fertilized egg to the larval stage, has been completely elucidated. It has been shown which regions of the embryos make up the larval brain. The cell lineage of Ciona's brain is well known, and it is possible to answer the biological big question, "How is the brain made during embryogenesis?"  We are trying to elucidate this question at a truly single-cell resolution. The single-cell transcriptomics of the ascidian embryos from the 110-cells stage (gastrula) to the larval stage has been reported (Cao et al., Nature 2019). Based on this single-cell transcriptomics data, we have determined the gene expression profile of individual neurons from the neural progenitor cell to the terminally differentiated neurons. We are now able to perform a comprehensive analysis of larval CNS development. We will research to elucidate the development, and differentiation mechanisms of all neurons present in the CNS of the ascidian larva from the progenitor cell to the terminally differentiated neurons at the single-cell resolutions. Also, we will elucidate the gene regulatory mechanism in each neuron. We have already identified a large number of genes expressed in individual neurons. Based on these data, we will perform a comprehensive analysis of gene expression mechanisms in each neuron to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that allow each neuron to acquire specific functions.

 This is Japanese, sorry...



    Horie T+*, Horie R+, Chen K+, Cao C+, Nakagawa M, Kusakabe TG, Satoh N, Sasakura Y*, Levine M*.  +Equal contribution.  *Corresponding author.

Regulatory cocktail for dopaminergic neurons in a proto-vertebrate identified by whole embryo single cell transcriptomics.

Genes & Development 32, 1297-1302. (2018)

    Horie R, Hazbun A, Chen K, Cao C, Levine M, Horie T*.   *Corresponding author.

Shared evolutionary origin of vertebrate neural crest and cranial placodes.

Nature 560, 228-232. (2018)


文部科学省委託研究開発事業 統合データベースプロジェクト


DOI: 10.7875/


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