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Research for the operating principle of the neural networks that generate the ascidian larval behavior at the single-cell resolution.

Single cell transcriptomics


Neural networks


Gene expression profiles of individual neurons in ascidian larvae based on single-cell transcriptomics data


Optogenetic manipulation of neuronal function 


Neuronal network of ascidian  larvae

Elucidate the neural networks' operating principles that generate the behavior of ascidian larvae at the single-cell resolution.

   Ascidian larvae change their behavior in response to gravity and light. For example, ascidian larvae start swimming in the step-down of light and stop swimming in the step-up of light.

   Our research group has successfully generated gene expression profiles of individual neurons in ascidian larvae based on single-cell transcriptomics data (Horie et al., Nature 2018, Horie et al. Genes & Development 2018). We connect this gene expression profile data for individual neurons with previously published data on the connectome of the ascidian larval neural network (Ryan et al., eLife 2016) to determine which genes are expressed in which neurons. These data will then be used to unravel the full picture of the operating principles of the neural network that generate the behavior of ascidian larvae. Combining with single-cell genomics data and optogenetics technologies, we will elucidate the neural networks' operating principles that generate the behavior of ascidian larvae at the single-cell resolution.


 Horie T*, Nakagwa M, Sasakura Y, Kusakabe TG.  *Corresponding author

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Journal of Comparative Neurology 509, 88-102. (2008) 

  Horie T, Kusakabe T, Tsuda M.

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  Horie T, Orii H, Nakagawa M.

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Journal of Neurobiology 65, 241-250. (2005)


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